I really don’t like writing about myself, but if you’ve found this site and gone all the way through to this page, I guess I owe you that.
I have asked myself if I’ve built this site to boast about all the places in the world I’ve been to and that I’ve been able to fly first class and by private jet. Or maybe I’m just proud of the pictures I’ve taken and that I just want to share them with other people. Or maybe it’s about both of those reasons.
And, I suppose I’m proud of being successful enough in my life to have flown first class about 60 times, at my expense, (not paid for by any company) and stayed in some iconic hotels around the world.
I’m proud to have achieved being a senior manager in a multinational telecommunications company, of having the professional qualifications MBA, MIM, I.Eng., MIEIE. And I’m proud to have been married (and divorced) to two beautiful girls.
But the thing I’m most proud of is to have had a wonderful, highly intelligent, beautiful friend. Her initials are LK and I truly love her as a friend. I won’t include a picture of her here in case she minds, but she is incredibly beautiful and a really, really wonderful person. She has brought the happiness of a wonderful friendship to my life that I never expected to have.
I’m certain that some people, reading this, will think of me as arrogant and having spent money on myself that could have gone to charities to benefit less fortunate people - and that might have some truth and reason.
Anyway, I hope some of the people who visit this site, at least like at least a few of the pictures I’ve taken from around the world.
David Evans
If anyone is interested, here are some pictures of places that I’ve lived and the views around them…..
And, here is a picture of one of the great loves of my life. My wonderful cat Sophie. She was loyal and such a great friend and companion to me. And, even better than all of that, was that she hated Sarah, my second ex-wife. Sophie lived a very long and happy life, and I still miss her. Here she is:-
Sunrise, September 2020, from where I live.
Just before sunrise, with Venus to the right side of the image, another rainbow and a fire-sky.
Spring, 2021, including some of my neighbours
Sunrises autumn 2021. Yet, somehow, I’m still here.
Spring 2022. Yet again, somehow, I’m still here. Pheasant in the garden and red-tailed kite in the sky.
Moved home 2022. Well, I have to make sure ex-wives don’t find me, don’t I.
A heron, a moorhen - and a river runs through it.
Spring 2023. A new car…..
If anyone reading this who has got this far through this site - well, I admire you for getting to this - but I’d like to share one more thing with you, if I may.
It’s about the happiest two times in my life…. The first was on the many times that I was in Australia. It was driving up the West Coast Highway, out of Perth and to where I was staying, way to the north. It was always a beautiful drive up there.
The second happiest time in my life - to be with my beautiful friend, initials LK. Her beauty - her beautiful face, how amazingly fit she looks, caring about her figure. But also, how she was a caring person, a lovely, really lovely person. I love her, admire her and care about her so much. She’s in Canada now and I hope to go there again to visit her, one day.
Congratulations to my hero, Sir Lewis Hamilton on becoming a Formula 1 seven times world champion in 2020 and knighted in the 2021 New Year Honours list.
And, this day 8 May 2021, congratulations to Sir Lewis Hamilton on his 100th Formula 1 pole positions. and 100 F1 wins as at 26 Sept 2021. Truly amazing.
Rest in peace Captain Sir Tom Moore, a wonderful and inspiring man.
Rest in peace Murray Walker, legendary F1 commentator who died aged 97 in March 2021.
The Duke of Edinburgh. RIP Sir.
It’s such a sad day, today, the 18th August 2021, the day that I heard that my favourite comedian Sean Lock has died. A comedian’s comedian and a wonderful person. Yes, Rest in Peace, but why do the best people die so young?
To anyone not familiar with Sean Lock’s comedy, here is a link to a YouTube video with some of his work. (The YouTube site will open in a new window).
Rest in peace F1 legend Sir Frank Williams who died 28th November 2021. Sir Lewis Hamilton paid this tribute: "Sir Frank Williams was one of the kindest people I had the pleasure of meeting in this sport, always had time for me and always without judgment. I feel so honoured to have called him a friend. What he achieved in this sport is something truly special.Until his last days I know he remained a racer and a fighter at heart. I have utmost respect and love for this man, and his legacy will live on forever”.
RIP Sir Frank Williams 1942 to 2021.
May 2022: #freeukraine #putinisanidiot
And respect to Mel B as she receives her MBE for services to domestic violence victims from Prince William at Buckingham Palace in May 2022. A wonderful lady.
8th September 2022. Total respect.
One of my favourite singers, Tina Turner, has died today, May 24, 2023.. An amazing lady that I’ve always admired. She won through, after a horrible, abusive relationship. My favourite track was ‘Nutbush City Limits (Yeah, performed without Ike…..)
One of my favourite British DJs, Annie Nightingale has died, January 2024. A beautiful, wonderful lady. Annie joined the BBC Radio 1 station in 1970 as the first ever female DJ in a heavily male-dominated industry. She held a Guinness World record as the longest-serving female broadcaster and was appointed an MBE in 2002 for services to radio broadcasting. She was described by her family as “a pioneer, trailblazer and inspiration to many”. That, she truly was.
I’m so happy that Sir Lewis Hamilton will be moving to Ferrari Formula 1 team in 2025. It just feels the right thing to do. Making things happen - getting things done. Wonderful news.